Youssouf Keita

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Youssouf Keita is a Housing sector consultant with more than 7 years of business experience. He has an extending background in housing finance and project management.

Youssouf Keita is currently an external housing finance expert to the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance (CAHF) where he authored country profiles for Guinea in 2018, and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau in 2019. He has been designated to write country profile for Liberia and Sierra Leone in 2020.

KEITA has worked from 2014 to 2017 for American Homebuilders of West Africa (AHWA) in Guinea successively holding the position of Chief Financial Officer, Country Director and Director General.

Prior to joining AHWA, Youssouf Keita was a technical assistant to the government of Guinea under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) where he promoted trade and investment between the United States of America and business associations in Guinea. In this programme, Youssouf Keita has provided market information to both business persons in Guinea and in the US, and facilitated exports of goods under AGOA Bill. Under this programme, Youssouf has worked as external expert for Carana Corporation and Abt Associates in the United States of America.

In 2012, Youssouf Keita served as Trade and Economic Advisor at the USA-Guinea Chamber of Commerce where he has been able to create investment opportunities and establish business contacts among private sector companies in Guinea and America. Youssouf Keita has also been a consultant to the government of Guinea in charge of the millennium challenge corporation (MCC).

As a Fulbright Scholar, KEITA graduated in 2010 from Eastern Michigan University in Michigan, USA, with a master’s degree in International economics and development. He has also earned a doctorate degree from the School of Business and Economics, Atlantic International University, Hawaii, USA in 2017. He has authored many technical publications and articles. Currently, Youssouf Keita is a macroeconomics instructor of the University of Sonfonia, Conakry Guinea.

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