Housing Finance in Cameroon


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To download a pdf version of the full 2023 Cameroon country profile, click here.

Cameroon’s natural resources include oil, gas, minerals, and precious wood. In recent years, Boko Haram has attacked it. Arab herders and Musgum fishermen and farmers fought over natural resources, torching 19 villages and abandoning over 40. More than 500 000 people have been displaced, and 400 civilians and 200 security forces have died. In Cameroon, the resurgence of the CAR crisis in 2021 has caused social ripples.

COVID-19 also caused a 2020 economic downturn. The government lockdown halted many construction projects, affecting the housing industry. GDP growth accelerated in 2021 to 3.5% from 0.5% in 2020 due to non-oil activity and continued investment. Fiscal consolidation measures designed to reduce spending and increase non-oil fiscal revenues reduced the fiscal deficit to 3.1% of GDP in 2021 from 3.3% in the two previous years. Price controls on essentials kept inflation at 2.5% in 2021, down from 2.4% in 2020.

Cameroon’s Department of National Meteorology has partnered with the WMO and the Global Water Partnership to help farmers adapt to climate change. People who live in informal settlements are more likely to get malaria and diarrheal diseases because of more rainwater, floods, and poor sanitation.Climate change raises regional temperatures faster than global averages. The UN says 80% of farmland is degraded and Lake Chad has shrunk by 95%.

Between 2007 and 2014, 8.1 million people became poor. Population growth and insufficient poverty reduction explain this. 2011 urbanisation was 52.2%; 2021 urbanisation was 58.2%. Security, population growth, housing, and jobs drive urbanization. Poor families can’t access state social housing. The cheapest housing costs CFA 17 million (US$28,745), and administrative procedures are often corrupted because allocation information is not public. One in eight households could buy a state-built home by 2020. Only households with incomes over CFA 200,000 (US$318) can buy a home. In cities, a three-bedroom house costs CFA5 million (US$7,937).Many urban homes are unaffordable.

In a country with 15 commercial banks and 800 microfinance institutions, bank financing is the main housing source. CFC (Credit Foncier du Cameroun) finances social construction.Cameroon’s CFC promotes social housing. In 2019, the CFC financed 1,223 housing units and 54 building lots with CFA 21.7 billion (US$34.5 million) in loans. Provisional success rate: 105%. CFC helps overseas Cameroonians. Between 1990 and 2021, the diaspora received 286 loans totaling $30.6 million. The main loan recipients are Cameroonians in Europe (58%), America (34%), and Africa (18%). First-quarter CFC loans totaled CFA11.9 billion (US$18.9 million), up 95% from the previous half-year. CFC held 45% of the credit-to-financial-institutions market in the first half of 2020. Alios Finance Cameroon (29%) and Société Camerounaise d’Equipement (16.9%) support the public bank.

Cameroon’s wealth and economy make it an economic power. Rising urban housing demand offers investment opportunities in real estate. Real estate agencies for rental investment management and real estate development companies for housing construction, sales, and management are both opportunities.

Find out more about information on the housing finance sector of South Africa, including key stakeholders, important policies and housing affordability:

Each year, CAHF publishes its Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook. The profile above is from the 2023 edition, which has up-to-date profiles for 55 African countries.

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