2019 Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook: Call for applications for additional research, data collection and editing capacity


Deadline for applications: 29 June 2019

The flagship publication of CAHF, the Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook, is a highly-respected source of information on the state of the housing finance sector on the continent, targeted for housing finance practitioners, investors, researchers and government officials. 2019 will mark our 10th edition, which will be launched in November 2019–containing 55 country profiles and 5 regional profiles, and published simultaneously in English and French.

The Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook provides a current update of practice and developments in housing finance in Africa, reflecting the dynamic change and growth evident in the market in each country and region. While the general aim of the Yearbook is to offer a broad overview of housing finance and housing development in Africa, special emphasis is placed on the key challenge of housing affordability and access to housing processes for low income households, as well as the critical need for housing products and finance that are explicitly targeted at the income profiles of the majority.

The 2018 Yearbook can be viewed at: http:///housingfinanceafrica.org/resources/yearbook/   All profiles will reflect updated information and data on housing finance markets across these countries and regions. The 2019 Yearbook profiles will follow the same content focus and structure as last year’s edition.

In the course of developing this large publication, we typically encounter data and editing gaps related particular countries and/or regions for which we require additional editing and research capacity. To this end, we are currently seeking applications from interested parties to undertake additional research, data collection and editing as required.

  • Research and data collection: In some cases, additional research, writing and data collection may be required to complete regional and country profiles. Data is collected using a special data collection tool for each country which includes 20-30 indicators related to the housing and housing finance sectors. Country profiles are written according to a standard TOR which can be accessed here.
  • Editing: In some cases, draft country and/or regional profiles will require additional editing. This includes content editing, some fact-checking, and editing for clarity, flow, and coherance, as well as proofreading as per our CAHF Style Sheet (available on request).

Contracts will be negotiated with the selected consultant(s) and include a cap on the number of hours as per an agreed Scope of Work. The Yearbook is published in November 2019. Applicants would thus need to be available August-October 2019 when the publication is being finalised.

Individuals or organisations/companies may apply.

In order to apply, please submit the following information to alison@housingfinanceafrica.org by 29 June 2019:

  • Short cover letter, indicating your qualifications to provide additional research, data collection and editing capacity for the Yearbook. Your cover letter can indicate which particular countries and/or regions you are most familiar with.
  • Your proposed hourly rates for: a) research and data collection, and b) editing.
  • Updated CV, indicating your country of residence.
  • Two short writing samples: articles, or reports. Pieces related to housing or housing finance, and which include data analysis, are preferable.
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