A Review of the Data Landscape in African Housing Ecosystems: Uganda
As part of the Data Agenda for Housing in Africa, the Review of the Data Landscape in African Housing Ecosystems interrogated the availability of housing-relevant data in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Morocco. The study, undertaken by CAHF, 71point4 and Reall, has produced the following outputs:
- Data Landscape Reports for all countries, including a review of legislation and institutions involved in each country in support of housing data, and action plans for going forward
- Databases of the 115 Headline Market Shaping indicators in 2020, for all countries – this will be collected annually, and extended to new countries over time.
- Data Quality Assessments for all countries
- Country profiles for Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Ghana
- Market Shaping Indicators Metadata Document providing definitions and data collection recommendations for the 115 Market Shaping Indicators
Reall has produced a dashboard of the data for Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Morocco – see www.reall.net/msi . CAHF is in the process of producing a thematic dashboard, interrogating the data further, for all eight countries.
Undertaken by CAHF, 71point4 and Reall, the Data Agenda for Housing in Africa is further supported by CAHF’s and Reall’s donors: FSDAfrica, UKaid, Sida and AfD.
In Uganda, the partners worked with Smart Havens Africa
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