9th Global Affordable Housing Conference: Investment can’t happen without information
The 9th Global Affordable Housing Conference, held on May 31- June 2, 2023 at the World Bank Group Headquarters in Washington D.C., brought together high-level officials, practitioners, successful entrepreneurs, and academicians from developed countries and emerging markets to provide a unique platform to share information, learn about the latest innovation and network with peers.
CAHF’s Executive Director, Kecia Rust moderated a session on “Investment can’t happen without information: efforts in building the data landscape for affordable housing”. The panel included Dao H. Harrison, Senior Housing Specialist World Bank , Marja Hoek-Smit, Director and Founder University of Pennsylvania International Housing Finance Program, Michael Kaniu, Director Natureville Homes and Muhammad Gambo, Manager Shelter Afrique.
Download Kecia Rust’s presentation below and access Dao Harrison’s presentation here
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