Call for Proposals: Housing Investment Landscapes West and North Africa (republished)
CAHF seeks to contract a consultant to undertake the West and North African segment of this study. The prospective consultant will be responsible for providing CAHF with market overview and market performance data on the investment environment in West and North Africa. In addition, the prospective consultant will be expected to provide analysis on the competitive market horizon of investments in the housing and housing finance sectors of these regions. This data and analysis should focus on investments in the housing and housing finance sector while connecting this to the overall investment landscape of each countries in the region.
The overall goal of the project is to stimulate increased investment in affordable housing across the continent from a diversity of funding sources and to establish housing and housing finance as a viable way of diversifying the investment portfolios of institutional investors.
With this goal in mind, the report should be targeted at potential investors in the public, private and DFI sectors.
The overall objective of this project is to identify the breadth of investment activity with respect to housing and housing finance across Africa, and to feed this data into an investment tracking instrument that follows investment in the sector over time. This should include the range of financing instruments along the housing value chain and should not only focus on end user finance
All proposals are due at 12 noon on 17 May 2018. For more information, please contact Ms Raisa Cole on