Driving a better understanding of Housing Markets: Mozambique - Angola Study Tour

CAHF and Development Workshop Angola held a Mozambique-Angola Housing Study Tour to facilitate peer learning in housing development, financing and investment models.

The Angola-Mozambique Study Tour took place b2 April 2018 to 6 April 2018. The overall objective of this study tour was to send a delegation of key stakeholders from Mozambique to Angola to learn from the Angolan experiences and for both Angolan and Mozambican stakeholders to exchange knowledge on affordable housing, housing finance and other experiences between these two Lusophone countries. The Mozambican delegation consisted of representatives from key organizations in Mozambique’s housing and housing finance industry such as FSD Mozambique, Fund for Housing Promotion, local and national government officials as well as a banking sector representative. These delegates engaged with various housing and housing finance practitioners from Angola which included Development Workshop, KiqiCredito, HabiTerra, Emogestin, government representatives as well as a Associação dos Profissionais Imobiliários de Angola (APIMA). In addition, site visits to both state supported and social enterprise based housing initiatives were also undertaken in Luanda and Huambo and key insights where provided by the various practitioners who were involved with these projects which included Kilamba, Marconi and Nova Vida housing projects.

Purpose of the study tour

CAHF identified the opportunity for a participatory information exchange with its local partners, DWA in Angola and FSDMoç in Mozambique. The aim of the study tour was to enable the parties to share experiences and build networks, providing support to both the public and private sectors in these Lusophone countries to respond to the challenges and opportunities within their local context .

The specific objectives were to:

  • Share research and experiences in affordable housing policy, market approaches to affordable housing and affordable housing finance,
  • Share experience in stimulating affordable housing finance sector development,
  • Provide the basis for longer term exchange and ongoing correspondence between key stakeholders in support of their work
  • To see a noted impact and improvement of housing in Mozambique and Angola with lessons learnt from both housing and housing finance experience in a Lusophone context

CAHF’s work in Angola

CAHF’s work in Angola is supported by Development Workshop and includes the following elements:

CAHF’s work in Mozambique

As one of CAHF’s priority countries, Mozambique is the site for a number of CAHF research initiatives, including the Housing Investment Chronicles for Mozambique which was undertaken to develop a better understanding of housing investment undertaken by low to moderate income households in Mozambique. Going forward, key linkages and support will be created with Mozambique, as has been done with DWA and supporting the Angolan housing and housing finance sector.

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