Housing and Construction in Africa: 2010-2023
CAHF has been collecting data on house prices, construction costs, and income across Africa for the past thirteen years and publishing this in its Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook. The data gives us a rough indication of the range of house prices and sizes being provided by the private sector, as well as some insights on affordability across the continent. We are constantly collecting data on the scale of construction, as well as the relationship between supply and demand of housing in African countries.
This dashboard explores some of this data as it relates to affordability and what it means for access to housing across the continent. The first two tabs of the dashboard have recently been updated (November 2023) to include the latest data collected for the 2023 Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook. However, please note that the Doing Business Indicators (DBI) displayed in the 3rd tab have not been updated because the World Bank has not released figures for 2021 or 2022. The 2020 figures for the DBI are therefore the most recent available.
Sources: Housing Finance in Africa 2023 Yearbook, World Bank Ease of Doing Business Indicators, and CAHF surveys.
Suggested citation: Centre for Affordable Housing Finance (CAHF). Dashboard: Housing and Construction in Africa: 2010-2023. http:///housingfinanceafrica.org/