Housing Finance FSC Mortgage Loan Performance
During the first phase of the Financial Sector Charter (FSC), the financial sector originated a total of R44,8 billion in housing loans. By far the greatest area of activity was in mortgage lending: 234 638 mortgage loans to a total value of R28 billion were originated in the five year period from January 2004 – December 2008. While National Credit Regulator reports show how South Africa’s entire mortgage book deteriorated over the period from 2004 to the present, a FinMark Trust analysis of credit bureau data has shown that loans extended to the FSC target market appear to have performed slightly better than all mortgages in general. With the permission of the Credit Providers Association and the support of XDS, a registered credit bureau, FinMark Trust’s Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa commissioned Eighty20 to analyse bureau data for FSC-target housing loans. The following link is for the presentation that summarises the report: http://staging.signpost.co.za/housingfinanceafrica-old/document/housing-finance-fsc-mortgage-loan-performance-presentation/