Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook 2013 (4th Edition)

This is the fourth edition of the Housing Finance in Africa yearbook. Since last year, we have added 5 country profiles and updated the existing 39, bringing the total to 40 country profiles and 4 regional profiles.  We have sought out new data sources, and rethought our approach to the affordability triangles. We have been monitoring the news so that this yearbook reflects the mood and temperature of housing finance markets on the African continent in 2013.  This document is the low res version. For a higher resolution, please download the document in sections from http://staging.signpost.co.za/housingfinanceafrica-old/projects/housing-finance-yearbook/

This year, we are very grateful to our sponsors: Shelter Afrique, HFC Bankin Ghana, Lendcor in South Africa, the National Housing Corporation in Tanzania, International Housing Solutions, Home Finance Guarantors Africa Reinsurance Limited, First National Bank in South Africa, the International Finance Corporation, the Old Mutual Investment Group’s Housing Impact Fund, and of course, as always, UKaid.

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