Workshop 1: Innovative International Case Studies on Housing and Housing Finance
- On the 25th of January, 2024, GIZ, CAHF, and the University of Rwanda held the inaugural Workshop in Kigali under the Urban Lab Project. The goal of the Urban Lab Project is to strengthen the provision of sustainable and affordable housing for low-income households (with incomes below 200.000 RWF per month) in Rwanda.
- This presentation made during the Workshop, shows case studies of already existing models on addressing the low-income population’s housing needs in different countries, globally. These models high different innovative aspects adopted to improve delivery, access and sustainability of relatively low cost housing.
- While each country differs in its structures, legal framework, social aspects, etc, the models presented here provide valuable lessons that can be adopted and customized to support provision of housing
- These case studies are drawn from Kenya, South Africa, Nepal, Ethiopia, Namibia Mozambique and Rwanda.
- The table below shows the summary of the case studies: