Urban Lab Rwanda: Case Studies
The Urban Lab is a process supported by GIZ, MININFRA and the City of Kigali. As part of the effort, we have reviewed both local and international case studies of already existing models for addressing the low-income population’s housing needs in different countries, globally. The cases highlight different innovative approaches adopted to improve delivery, access and sustainability of relatively low-cost housing. While each country differs in its structures, legal framework, social aspects, etc, the cases presented here provide valuable lessons that can be adopted and customized to support provision of housing also in Rwanda. The case studies are drawn from Kenya, South Africa, Nepal, Ethiopia, Namibia Mozambique and Rwanda. Click on the icons to down load the case studies.
Case study 1: Incremental housing & group savings scheme – Semba Motto Resettlement Project, in Nairobi, Kenya
Case study 2: Small scale landlord financing – Letshego Kenya Ltd, Kenya
Case study 3: Property Finance Solutions for Property Entrepreneurs- TUHF Holdings Limited, South Africa
Case study 4: Housing Cooperative Implementation of DEWATs- BORDA, Zimbabwe
Case study 5: Last Mile Sanitation Project- Akiba Mashinani, Kenya
Case Study 1- Incremental Housing Case Study 2- Small Scale Landlord Financing Case study 3 - Finance Solutions for Property Enterprenuers Case study 4- DEWATS Sanitation System Case study 5- Last Mile Sanitation Project Case study 6- Rent to Buy Model with Casa Real in Mozambique Case study 7- Land Readjustment: The Case of Casa Minha in Mozambique