Kenya Newsletter: ii2i Insights into Innovation | September Edition
Affordable housing has been central to Kenya’s overall growth strategy, framed as one of the four key pillars of national government policy, for the past six years [1]. In this time, as the sector has organised itself in response to government’s commitment to enable affordable housing delivery, innovative initiatives and interventions have emerged in response to key challenges.
Working with its partners, FSDKenya, FSDAfrica Investments, and Reall, CAHF has been watching innovation, driven both by the private and public sectors. There are a lot of initiatives to share!
In the September Edition, we featured a note on the reasons for investment projects’ rejection in Kenya, Tilisi- an upcoming mixed-use development, and affordable housing-related news articles. In addition, we shared details on the MOOC, the upcoming AUHF Conference, the MOCK Sharkroom and the Kenya Webinar.
Happy Reading!
ii2i Insights into Innovation September Edition