Kenya's AHP: Is it a reality or should we adjust expectations?
This presentation was given at the East Africa Property Investment Summit 2020 Virtual, on 30 July 2020. The presentation provides an overview of the Kenyan Affordable Housing Programme promises and progress to date, and then explores what this means in a post-Covid context. Drawing on data from our analyses of the housing economic value chain for Kenya, the presentation concludes:
As the AHP picks up speed we can see that there is no MAGIC to housing supply – each segment of the market needs attention, from the full diversity of suppliers, to respond to the full diversity of demand and need. Covid is challenging all of our financial projections. There will not be new money for housing. But, housing investment has a very clear economic impact, and GDP growth suggests increased revenues. Can we explore the potential for tax incentives, to stimulate increased delivery and investment in housing? This could be a win-win. Countries that have got it right have focused on the enabling framework. The AHP’s Integrated Project Delivery Unit is promising, but it is still in its infancy – this needs critical attention.
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