Making housing finance markets work in Africa: Overall strategy 2020-2025
CAHF has been supported with core funding for the past five years from FSD Africa, and for the past three years from the French Development Agency, AfD. CAHF’s funding agreement with FSD Africa is coming to a close in March 2020. While FSD Africa has expressed interest in continuing to work with CAHF, our ability to grow into our own, and the sector’s, expectations and needs requires that we broaden our funding base. To this end, we are seeking core funding in the order of US$2 million per annum over the next five years – provided by one or many donors together.
This document provides an overview of CAHF, our work to date, and our plans going forward. It sets out our Theory of Change and our expectations for what the African housing finance sector needs over the next five years. We look forward to discussing these issues in more detail, and welcome proposals for collaboration and support so that we may work together in making Africa’s housing finance markets work for the poor.
CAHF’s work benefits from the support of:
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