Sustainable Housing Finance in Nigeria: Workshop Report
Ghana Housing Profile
Housing microfinance in post-conflict Angola: Overcoming socioeconomic exclusion through land tenure and access to credit
MBD Credit Solutions, in collaboration with Unisa’s Bureau of Market Research (BMR) have released the 2011 4th quarter Consumer Financial Vulnerability Index (CFVI). The South …
Are you an investor or potential investor in affordable housing and or housing finance in the SADC region frustrated by the lack of reliable market …
This project is being undertaken by Bankable Frontier Associates. The conceptual framework and ideas for the way forward are set out in the attached document.
The project involves 3 main tasks: (1) a scoping exercise, determining the breadth of investment opportunity and interest in housing and housing finance in the …
The housing market in Ghana
Ghana Business report [Housing]: where to from here?
The Cadastral Survey Act 22 of 2011 of Mauritius The Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF) has accessed this document from an external source. …