This paper takes an historical look of how the housing sector has progressed in South Africa. While the study analyses the South Africa housing sector …
Home Based Entrepreneurs: Sustainable livelihoods and SMME Growth
This presentation was given at the November 2006 FinMark Forum. Marja Hoek Smit of the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, presented on ways …
This paper is an output from the Financial Diaries project ( The Focus Note brings together evidence from the South African Financial Diaries with Bangladesh …
This paper considers the various causes of default among housing microloan clients borrowing from South Africa’s various housing microfinance (HMF) lenders. Through the data and …
Issue 4: A finance response to the missing middle In 2006, the FinMark Trust published a regular newsletter, “Access Housing” to showcase current debates in …
This presentation was given at the September 2006 FinMark Forum. This piece analyses the development of lending to construction entrepreneurs through a timeline of NURCHA’s …
Causes of Defaults Among Low Income Housing Micro Loan Clients
Issue 3: are urban gentrifiers downward raiding? In 2006, the FinMark Trust published a regular newsletter, “Access Housing” to showcase current debates in housing finance …
In 2006, the FinMark Trust published a regular newsletter, “Access Housing” to showcase current debates in housing finance in South Africa. The newsletter provided summaries …