Positioning affordable and backyard rental housing as a key target in Kenya’s Affordable Housing Programme (DRAFT Findings)
In June 2022, the World Bank appointed the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF), together with 71point4, Fatou Dieye, and Gmaurich Insights to undertake an assignment profiling the status of affordable rental housing and backyarding in Kenya. The objective of the study was to characterise the rental market in detail, including both formal and informal rental markets in order to “support the Government of Kenya expand its policy options on affordable housing and to better leverage public sector resources towards making housing more affordable, efficient and equitable for lower-income households”. The study also aimed to develop recommendations regarding appropriate interventions to support the development of the affordable rental housing market in Kenya based on the analysis of the market as well as global best practise.
Though the final report is currently still in draft and subject to peer review, CAHF shared the draft findings of the study at the Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company (KMRC) Affordable Housing Conference held in November in Nairobi, Kenya.
Please find attached the draft presentation below. Comments would be gratefully received.
KMRC_Kenya Rental_Presentation_DRAFT 251122