Presentation on the TSC and the power of the housing asset
About one third of South Africa’s residential property market was financed by the state through the national housing subsidy programme. What does this mean for cities, for the private sector, and for households themselves as they work to turn this allocation into a real and performing asset? Since July 2018, CAHF and 71point4 have been piloting the Transaction Support Centre in Khayelitsha, with support from National Treasury’s Cities Support Programme. In working with over 100 clients we’ve learned amazing and challenging things about the transformative impact of the property market and how we might support the growth of what is the single biggest asset on most households’ balance sheets.
Please join us for a presentation on the work, which considers the role of the housing asset in households’ pathways to prosperity, and key issues for attention by all sector stakeholders. Of course, the wider potential of this market is the housing ladder that it creates, as the sellers of government subsidised housing become new buyers (with equity) for entry level affordable housing. Come to either session, in
- Johannesburg, on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 from 4-6:30 pm at the FNB Auditorium in Sandton
- Cape Town, on Wednesday, 17 April 2019 from 4-6:30 pm at the Ideas Cartel auditorium on 71 Waterkant Street
and please RSVP here.