Product lessons from how households live: A case from Uganda
This 2018 presentation by Dorothy Baziwe, Shelter and Settlements Alternatives: Uganda Human Settlements Network (SSA:UHSNET), highlights key findings from the Housing Investment Chronicles research in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA). It presents a more detailed picture of low- and middle-income households, their housing needs and expectations; as well as the processes and costs incurred while investing in housing.
Some of the recommendations from the research include the need to harmonize the policy and regulatory frameworks; reforms on tenure security; and the need for greater interactions between formal and informal land institutions. Furthermore, there is need to synchronize, collate and consolidate existing data sets on housing financing from different actors to enable a deeper understanding of low-income households and their demand needs. There is also need to rethink housing microfinance products capitalizing on innovation and partnerships, as well as a more detailed system of risk management to unlock unproductive capital within this category.
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