Revolving fund for urban renewal in Senegal
In December 2020, the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF), UrbaMondeand UrbaSEN signed a partnership agreement to undertake a scoping exercise to explore experiences of citizen financing mechanisms for affordable housing delivery.
This short study – available in French and English – documents and disseminates 10 experiences, programs and projects of affordable housing production in Africa. Using bibliographic research and in-depth interviews, this work made it possible to analyze the capacity of projects and partners to be part of the public and private funding chain, and to mobilize the so-called “citizen finance” .
This week’s focus is in Senegal with the revolving fund for urban renewal. The revolving urban renewal fund is a financing tool created in 2016 intended for groups of inhabitants organized within the Senegalese Federation of Inhabitants (FSH). It is managed by its technical support NGO UrbaSEN and finances the rehabilitation of precarious housing in the suburbs of Dakar, income-generating activities (IGA) and micro-developments in the public space, through accessible loans for vulnerable populations.
To find out more about the program in English or French, follow the links below.