Rise Africa 2022 Festival: 'Africa now! An urgent case for investment towards more sustainable cities and towns
Convened annually around Africa Day, the Rise Africa 2022 Festival was held from 23 – 25 May. Rise Africa brings together thinkers, doers and enablers from across the continent and the world to inspire action for sustainable cities. A session themed ” Africa now! An urgent case for investment towards more sustainable cities and towns” hosted the following industry experts and thought leaders in an exploration of the urban investment landscape in Africa and impactful strategies from governments and the private sector alike:
Saliem Fakir, Executive Director, African Climate Foundation
Collins Sekele, Projects Director, National Treasury of South Africa
Kecia Rust, Executive Director and Founder, Center for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF)
Kioi Wambaa, International Housing Solutions Kenya
To watch the video click on the tab below. Kecia Rust’s presentation begins from 17:27 and Kioi Wambaa’s presentation begins from 1:02:00
Kecia Rust’s presentation can also be downloaded.
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