Housing Finance in Mozambique
On 28 April 2016, the African Union for Housing Finance (AUHF) and Financial Sector Deepening (FSDMoç) hosted a seminar on housing finance in Mozambique. The seminar brought together different stakeholders, who discussed recent developments in the sector and debated what needs to be done to create an enabling environment for housing in Mozambique. The AUHF, CAHF, Confederação das Associações Económicas de Moçambique (CTA), FSDMoç, Fundo Para O Fomento de Habitacao (FFH), Moza Banco, Perene Consulting, Reall and UN-Habitat all gave presentations, some of which you can find below.
- Addressing the Challenges of Housing Finance in Africa
Kecia Rust | Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF) - Fundo Para O Fomento de Habitacao
Armindo Mungunabe | Fundo Para O Fomento de Habitacao (FFH) - Breves reflexões sobre como capitalizar os dados do FinScope 2014, para aumentar o uso e acesso ao financiamento para Habitação pela população de baixa renda
Benedito Murambire Jnr | Financial Sector Deepening Moçambique (FSDMoç) - Housing in Rapidly Growing Urban Areas in Mozambique
Joost Möhlmann | UN-Habitat - Reall
Marie-Odile Zanders | Real Equity for All (Reall) - Housing Finance Data in Mozambique
Abenaa Addai | Perene Consulting
Hosted by the African Union for Housing Finance (AUHF) and Financial Sector Deepening (FSDMoç).