Terms of reference: External audit of CAHF Francophone programme 2019

The Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF) has been operating as an independent think tank in South Africa since May 2014, pursuing its mission of making Africa’s housing finance markets work. It grew out of the housing finance theme of the FinMark Trust, where its research and advocacy program began in 2003. CAHF’s work extends across the continent, and it is supported by and collaborates with a range of funders and partners.


In 2016 CAHF received a 5-years EUROS 1.5 million (Around ZAR 23 million) grant from the French Development Agency (AfD) to support the development of CAHF activities in Francophone Africa. The objective of the audit is to express an independent professional opinion about the financial situation of the project and, in particular, the expenditure incurred during the periods under review, with regard to:

  1. the administrative, accounting and financial management of the project,
  2. compliance with the procedures set out for project implementation in the financing agreement in order to ensure that the funds made available for the project have been used in accordance with the purposes for which they have been allocated.

Consequently, the auditor shall be required to express an opinion about the compliance of the expenditure, in order to ensure that the funds are managed in accordance with the rules and procedures set out in AFD’s contractual documents and used for the purposes for which they have been allocated.

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