Call for Proposals: Real Estate Investment Trusts
The Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa is seeking submissions for our project on understanding Residential REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) and their potential to increase investment in, and access to affordable housing finance in Africa. Submissions for the project, “Real Estate Investment Trusts”, are due by 17h00 on 21 March 2016, and should be sent by email to
The aim of this project is to understand and explore the potential for residential REITs as a means to increase investment into affordable housing in Africa by exploring the implementation of the concept in African countries thus far. The research should build a case for
residential REITs as a mechanism in supporting affordable housing finance and increased investment in affordable housing in the continent based on specific, yet varying, contexts. This project is part of CAHF’s wider effort to encourage and stimulate the financial
sector to develop and explore innovative products that explicitly target affordable housing.
See the latest AUHF newsletter which provides insight on the Watumishi Housing Company REIT.
Download the terms of reference for more information.
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