Terms of Reference: Research into Property Market Dynamics in Delft

The Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa is seeking submissions for our project on understanding the property market dynamics in Delft. Submissions for the project are due by 12h00 on 17 December 2015, and should be sent by email to samuel[at]housingfinanceafrica.org.

The objective of this study is to explore and document in detail how the property market functions in Delft, a township in Cape Town. The study will consider actual market activity, both formal (houses or transactions with title deeds) and informal (houses or transactions without title deeds), and the various ways in which these transactions occur. The study will look at a cross-section of the property market in Delft—a detailed analysis of how properties change hands and the various formal and informal methods employed by buyers and sellers in realising the purchase or sale. The study aims to understand why specific methods or practices are used, as well as the problems that may or may not arise as a result. In this, it seeks to understand how this segment of the property market might function more efficiently and effectively for the parties concerned.

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