Title Deeds Backlog: ULM Launch Presentation

This is the presentation of a report commissioned by Urban LandMark, which was undertaken in parallel with the Government Subsidised Housing Asset work.  The presentation was given at the launch of the research on 1 December 2011.  The presentation summarises the findings and recommendations of an investigation into the extent to which title has been transferred to subsidy beneficiaries.  The report sets out the key challenges and opportunities to addressing the significant backlog of over a million government subsidised housing units in South Africa that do not have a title deed.  The report includes an outline of the titling process in South Africa, an analysis of how this has related to the delivery of housing, and then outlines the factors that causes blockages in the system.  The report then outlines the consequences of low levels of title deed registration of subsidy houses, and offers recommendations for moving forward.  Further reports on this study can accessed from Urban LandMark.

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