Understanding affordable housing markets: Buffalo City (2 of 10)

With the support of the SA Cities Network, and using our CityMark dashboard, we’ve developed reports to help understand the affordable housing markets in South Africa’s nine metros.  The reports provide a high-level overview of municipal housing markets using key indicators, measuring and comparing market performance, and tracking that performance over time.  This report addresses Buffalo City’s affordable housing market.

A frustration often voiced is that affordable markets are difficult to understand. We believe that more investment would be made available if there were a clearer sense of where opportunity might exist, not only for developers, builders and brokers, but also for city planners, housing advocates and residents themselves. This report series (one for each SACN member city and the country overall) aims to:

(1) bring context to municipal housing markets, and affordable markets in particular, (2) present findings which change perceptions of those markets, and (3) show what kinds of opportunities exist to expand housing options, now and going forward.

In the reports, we offer three innovative ways to understand housing markets: we look at housing market performance, affordability and leverage potential.  We use deeds registry and Stats SA census data, and expertise in housing development to unlock market potential and expand housing development possibilities. Download them, and contact us directly for more information.

This report was prepared by the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa with support from the National Housing Finance Corporation and the Housing Development Agency.

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