Understanding & Quantifying Rental Markets in Africa: Uganda
Uganda’s rental sector is large and growing with the vast majority of households (71%) in the capital city of Kampla renting. According to the Uganda National Household Survey (2016/17), over one fifth of all households in the country rent.
Rental is a significant tenure form in major cities across the continent; upwards of 80% of households in Nairobi rent their dwellings, with similarly high proportions in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (78%)[1]and Lagos, Nigeria (76%)[2]. However, there is relatively little data available on key aspects of the rental market. In most cases there is limited published data available on the profile of renter households, rentals paid, quality of rental stock and operating models and profile of landlords. At the same time, it can be difficult to find information on the service or product offerings and operating models of finance providers, estate agents, credit bureaus and property management companies that typically support the sector. It is also difficult to find information on enforced regulations, taxation and investment incentives.
This Focus Note considers the currently available data for rental markets in Uganda.
This project outlines a rental market framework and provides an initial set of indicators that characterise the different components of the rental market. The research also identified, analysed and presented several existing data sources that provide useful information to populate the various components of the rental framework in five focus countries across the continent, namely; Tanzania, Uganda, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Angola. In addition, the project team investigated various research methodologies to close key data gaps that emerged during the research process. Combined, these findings provide CAHF with a sound foundation to improve the available data and develop useful indicators that quantify and characterise rental markets going forward.
[1]Enquete Sur Le Niveau De Vie Des Menages En Cote d’Ivoire (ENV 2015)
[2]Nigeria Census 2006
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