David Wood

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Davina Wood is a Principal at AHI, specializing in sub-Saharan Africa affordable housing finance and the US’ Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program, a public-private partnership (PPP) model that leverages federal dollars with private investment to produce affordable rental housing. She has ten years of experience in the financial sector, including four years at JPMorgan’s Community Development Bank, where she underwrote debt on LIHTC projects and managed a portfolio of 25 housing loans. As a principal at AHI, she has managed various projects, including a market study and sales feasibility analysis for a private sector developer seeking tobuild Senegal’s largest affordable housing development. The project produced quantitative and qualitative conclusions regarding the level of financeable demand, off-plan sales, demand aggregation, and competition. She is also currently the lead on the development of a Housing Strategy for the government of Guyana, as well as drafting a report on long term finance in Ethiopia. She has worked on projects in CEMAC and WAEMU on a range of topics, as well as completed a large study commissioned by CAHF on the housing investment landscape in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). She is fluent in English and Spanish, and proficient in French