Evaluating the Namibian Housing Market: Opportunities and Constraints

This paper was published by the Bank of Namibia for its 13th annual symposium, held on 29 September 2011 on Housing in Namibia.  Abstract: There is a consensus on the existence of a housing problem in Namibia. By 2007, the housing backlog was estimated to be 80,000 households and indications are that this figure has since increased. This is despite various interventions and programs implemented by central government to enhance access to housing. The objective of this paper was to decompose the hypothesis of access to housing in Namibia by looking at the performance of the various programmes developed to improve the housing stance and the factors driving house prices. Although the housing programs have made progress with regards to housing provision, there remains room for improvement. The paper also found that high house prices has resulted in unaffordability of housing by middle, low and ultra-low households, thereby further amplifying the housing shortage. Accordingly, the study suggested ways in which access to housing can be enhanced especially among low and ultra low income groups.

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