Open Access Initiative
CAHF, along with other players – Reall, FSDKenya, FSDA, AfD, and others – have built a well-respected data and information base on affordable housing in Africa and, to a certain extent, at the country level. This information is available in the public domain. However, there is very little data at the micro level – that is at the project and fund level in the public domain. This micro level data is produced by developers, investors and other market players as they carry out their organisational duties but there is a certain reluctance to share on to the public domain because of the data’s commercial value, and the fear that sharing will undermine the competitiveness of the players. This kind of project and fund level data can offer insights into the efficiencies and challenges that support or undermine the delivery of affordable housing.
The overall objective of the Open Access initiative is therefore to harness the collective experiences and learnings produced by participating organisations through their investments in affordable housing. Once collected, the data will be reviewed and interrogated, and used to produce knowledge products that share key learnings in support of market development, targeted at the breadth of stakeholders.
For more information, please contact the Open Access Initiative Programme Manager, Allan Mutuma, at .
For more details on the Open Access initiative and its principles, click on the full Concept Note and a brief Fact Sheet. Open Access data providers can use these Guidelines to understand and fill out the Data Template. Also explore the Nairobi Metropolitan Area Dashboard of housing developments (BETA version), and the Online Portal: Kenyan literature and documents dashboard , which were developed as part of the Open Access Initiative.