Branca Do Espirito Santo

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Branca M. C. N. do Espirito Santo is a consultant on economic issues related to real estate and urbanism. She has been working for the real estate sector in Angola for more than 20 years among them 10 years in some projects related to the National Housing Program of Angola, both in private and public sector, and leader of the Association of the Industry. In the private sector in the private sector she worked as a CFO, CEO and consultant of the Board of Imogestin/ SA, a private Angolan real estate developer(1998-2015) and was the President of the Association of Real Estate Professional of Angola ( APIMA) 2008-2015. In the public sector she was appointed as Minister for Urbanism and Housing 2016-2017. While in this position she participated as head of delegation of Angola in the negotiations of the New Urban Agenda.

Branca do Espirito Santo holds a degree in Economics from the Martin Luther University (Halle Wittenberg in Germany) 1981-1985 and a Master degree in International Business Management from the International School of Management (Paris/New York and Shanghai) 2006-2009. Besides the participation in online courses such as  “Sustainable Urban Development” by DelftWageningenX  “Financing Infrastructure in African Cities”, “Planning for Climate Change in African Cities” organized by Erasmus University in Roterdam and Institute for Housing and Urban Development offered through Coursera, she participated in the Housing Financing Course on Sub-saharan Africa( HFCSSA) 2021 organized by Urban Real Estate Research Unit of University of Cape Town, Wharton University of Penslyvania and the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa.

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